Reviewed by funstm on

4 of 5 stars

This isn't a perfect book but it's pretty damn good and it's very enjoyable. Flick and Achilles were both snarky and adorable. Flick was wicked badass. I loved her insecurity and her journey to confidence. I loved how Achilles' challenged her to be better, to be more. I didn't love all the complications in their love story the hookers just about killed me but it made sense I guess - I just didn't like it.

This book is dark, but not as dark as I was expecting. It's pretty tame in a lot of ways. It reminded me a lot of Batman. I guess I kept thinking of Carova as Gotham. There's violence but not overwhelming violence once you get past the start. To be honest I would've appreciated more violence. Particularly with the ending - it made no sense that Achilles didn't kill Molten. He should have. But then I guess Achilles' totally reforms - but I wouldn't have hated an ending with him not giving up his life of crime and Flick decides to join in. She does wield a hammer very well. There's swoonworthy romance and flirting but although it's NA there aren't a bunch of explicit sex scenes.

I didn't think the storyline with Finn worked all that well (it didn't really make sense why he called her sweetheart, or cared for her wellbeing) but it was easy enough to ignore. I preferred to just think they were old friends or something. I did really enjoy the superhero powers Flick has. The idea of being to give someone sunshine/happiness was a cool one. I would've liked to see more of Achilles' history - where he came from, why he's done what he has, why if he doesn't have powers he became what he has? and does he definitely not have powers? etc.

It's a shame the author doesn't seem to be adding any more books to the series, because this is a fantastic novel and I would love to read more of Flick and Achilles. 4.5 stars.

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