Reviewed by zooloo1983 on

5 of 5 stars

Well, we are back with my favourite cat lady Caitlyn and the pickles she has gotten into this time around! We are on the go, and we have had a time jump from the last book where we left Arlette and Caitlyn. I am truly captivated by Caitlyn and her story, I wonder sometimes if there is witchcraft on these pages!

I will begin off saying you will need to read the first book Three Bloody Pieces so you can grasp what is going on, as events follow on from the first book and obviously the history behind all the characters.

So, we have a time jump and we now are introduced to new Duke of Normandy, William. He has his eyes set on a wife, and his eyes fall on Matilda, and if it is anything like the first book then you know witchcraft will be involved.

This book was intense, as you are with Caitlyn, trying to get her freedom and identity back, fighting against the black magic, never ageing a day! And to whether she will be caught out for who she is. I loved that we finally get to go home and that there is hope for her…But will she be free? Arlette, nowhere near as good as her Step-mother, is just as controlling and acts like a petulant child! And you have got to love all the plotting and scandals that happen in the book! Intensifying everyone’s storyline, who was going to be backstabbed next!

I love all the historical elements of this book, I did get confused at times but that’s not because of the author’s writing but my head was fuzzy. There is a lot to take in, but the research done is amazing! You hear the “stories” of families of wealth having a person doing “witchcraft” and it is no different here. I love the supernatural element too, and I particularly love Caitlyn and her dual life she leads. The afterword in the book too tells you about some characters and it adds to the world that has been created, making them real.

I am so glad that I have signed up for all three books, as I need to know what happens to Catilyn. This book is a little gem and I was not too sure what to expect when I signed up. Like normal, the book cover just kept calling to me, and I think the intrigue around the book too because I did not have a blurb when I first heard about it. I am so glad I found this book as I am heavily invested and adore everything about the trilogy. I just don’t want it to end!

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  • 8 October, 2018: Finished reading
  • 8 October, 2018: Reviewed