Embers by Karen Ann Hopkins

Embers (Wings of War, #1)

by Karen Ann Hopkins

There are descendants of angels walking among us.  Ember is one of them.

"An impending apocalypse provides a compelling backdrop for romance in this page-turning first installment of a new YA series...Hopkins delivers many successful elements of young-adult romance—appealing lead characters, high-voltage chemistry, repressed sexuality—which will win her ardent followers.  A paranormal YA tale that’s highly recommended for fans of the Twilight series; move over, Bella and Edward, there’s a new set of kids on the block."  ~Kirkus Reviews

Embers is an epic paranormal adventure/romance about a seventeen year old girl who discovers that she's immune to fire and any other injury when she’s in a horrific car crash that kills her parents.  Following a violent episode with her aunt's boyfriend, Ember flees Ohio to live with an old relative in the Smoky Mountains of Tennessee. Ember's exuberance at escaping a bad home life soon turns to trepidation when she learns that she's a Watcher, a descendant of angels.  While Ember is instructed about her heritage and the powers that go along with it, she strikes up friendships with two teenagers who live in a frightening walled compound in the forest.  Inexplicably drawn to one of the young men in particular, an impossible romance develops.  But it's cut short when Ember discovers that her new friends are fighting on the opposite side of a war that's been raging between two factions of Watchers for thousands of years.  When the compound’s inhabitants threaten the townspeople, Ember takes action, sealing her fate in the ancient battle of good versus evil, and the grayness in between. 

Ember is up to the challenge, until she realizes that she isn’t only fighting for the lives of the locals and the souls of her new friends.  She may be one of the few champions willing to make a stand for all of mankind as the rapture approaches and the end of days begin.

Embers is the first novel in the dark and gritty YA paranormal romance series, The Wings of War.

Reviewed by whisperingchapters on

5 of 5 stars

Published on: GenGen's Book Blog (Will go live on November 3, 2014)

The gorgeous cover of EMBERS was what motivated me to want to read this story. It is definitely captivating to the eye so I had to get my hands on it. This is the first book by Karen that I have ever read and I am keeping my eyes on this author. I enjoyed EMBERS a lot, especially because it is entirely different from what angel books usually are.

The vivid description of the story makes the reader feel as if they were inside the story, watching everything happen on the sidelines. I always like to imagine the books settings and with EMBERS, it was fairly easy to do with all the great description it had. The reader travels to a whole different world, one we are not used to reading about but definitely enjoy.

Embers is gifted with magick and it was interesting to read about her discovery of what she was able to do and to what extent were the force of her powers. The paranormal aspect of the story was written extremely well and different, as mentioned before. The reader won't want to stop reading until the book ends. It keeps drawing your attention and leaving you in this world of paranormal magick.

If you are not a fan of paranormal or angel stories, I advise you to read EMBERS. It is definitely dark and extremely interesting. You will love this story and will want more when the book ends. This series will be a fantastic one.

This review was originally posted on GenGen's Book Blog

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  • Started reading
  • 2 November, 2014: Finished reading
  • 2 November, 2014: Reviewed