Under the Moon by Natalie J Damschroder

Under the Moon (Goddesses Rising, #1)

by Natalie J Damschroder

Their power gives them strength...and makes them targets. Quinn Caldwell is the epitome of a modern goddess. Her power source is the moon, her abilities restricted only by physical resources and lunar phase. She runs a consulting business and her father's bar, serves on the board of the ancient Society for Goddess Education and Defense, and yearns for Nick Jarrett, professional goddess protector and the soul mate she can never have. But someone has developed the rare and difficult ability to drain a goddess of her powers, and Quinn is a target. With the world thinking Nick has gone rogue (whatever that means) and that Quinn is influenced by "family ties" she didn't know she had, keeping themselves safe while working to find the enemy proves harder each day. But not as hard as denying their hearts...

Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

3 of 5 stars

Quinn Caldwell runs a bar, Under the Moon, uses her goddess powers to help others, serves as secretary on the board for the governing body of goddesses, loves her assistant Sam and is in love with her protector Nick. Her life is about to become a lot more complicated when a leech starts stealing goddesses powers and seems hell bent on getting Quinn's.

Nick, Sam and Quinn start their own investigation into the leech and discover that the person responsible for this problem could be a member of Quinn's birth family. They'll cover many miles and have several run ins with the bad guys before this story comes to an end. But along the way, Quinn, Nick and Sam will also learn what they are willing to live without and what they much do to make those they love happy.

I liked Quinn. She was ballsy while being emotionally torn apart by not only her relationship with the two men she loves, but also the family that gave her up when she was a baby. She was the type of woman that people everyone else in front of her if it meant protecting those that she loved. Even with her sister, she was torn between being pissed at her for doing what she'd naively done and wanting to protect her because she didn't know any better.

Nick and Sam both had attributes that I enjoyed, but you could tell each time Nick and Quinn were together that they truly were meant to be together (although a certain male didn't make you feel confident as you read the story that they'd get their happily ever after).

An enjoyable read with a deliciously alpha protector our to ensure his goddess stays safe.

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  • Started reading
  • 15 December, 2011: Finished reading
  • 15 December, 2011: Reviewed