Dark Warrior Unbroken by Alexis Morgan

Dark Warrior Unbroken (The Talions)

by Alexis Morgan

Talion warrior Sandor Kearn is the Enforcer for the Kyth, dedicated to hunting down and destroying rogue Kyth who attack their own people or humans. He recently killed the renegade Talion who had set fire to a local dance club and then killed the arson investigator, Maynard Cooper. Since the cops have had no luck in solving the murder, Coop's protégé, Lena Nelson, is trying to do so herself. Lena - who doesn't know she is part Kyth - has the ability to see fragmented flashbacks of the crimes she's investigating though her sense of touch, and when she meets Sandor, she realizes that he's somehow connected to Coop's death. Aware of her suspicions, Sandor must convince Lena of his innocence, yet keep her from digging further, which would risk exposing the existence of the Kyth. And when they fall in love, that makes things even more complicated.

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

3 of 5 stars

Lena Wilson can occasionally see what went on in a crime scene, this can help her job investigating arson. When she sees what happened in the fire that killed her mentor she's confused by what she's seeing, during the fire she sees a murder.

Then she meets Sandor Kearn, he was involved in the murder but she's attracted to him. Can she reconcile her feelings for him and her urge to keep with the law. Also he's talking about long-living people and a type of psychic vampirism, can she belive him? Can she afford not to?

It's fun, pretty predictable in parts but interesting and I did like the characters and how they interacted.

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  • Started reading
  • 1 March, 2010: Finished reading
  • 1 March, 2010: Reviewed