Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

3 of 5 stars

Book 2 in the Long Shot series has us focusing on Paige, the oldest of the Long siblings. She mothers and prods her brother and sister relentlessly, but when the table are turned and Sadie starts asking when Paige is going to start dating, Paige turns bitchy. Neither Ian or Sadie know why Paige an Rick broke up and she prefers to keep it that way, but she doesn't want to have to explain why it is she's shying away from men.

Enter Carter West. He's a smoking hot Toronto firefighter who has he sights set on Paige. Problem is, Paige isn't so sure she wants back into that lifestyle.

When Sadie's friend Josh vouches for Carter, ensuring Paige that while he might be a Dom he's never heard a bad word said about him, Paige decides to re-enter the Dom/Sub world she left when she split with Rick.

What Paige finds is a man that can break down those protective barriers and dominate her as she likes while still being a man who is there to protect and love his woman.

Quick read that takes us through Paige's reawakening and the beginnings of their relationship. The storyline does leave us wondering what happens with Paige and Carter. Are they in a relationship now (it has maybe been a week or two over the course of the story) or were they working their way there?

I'm hoping Ian's story comes soon, as I'm sure there is a story there with the customer they referred to as "Blue Eyes" and Ian's discovery that he's a married man rather than the assumed gay man.

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  • Started reading
  • 3 November, 2011: Finished reading
  • 3 November, 2011: Reviewed