A Brush with Shadows by Anna Lee Huber

A Brush with Shadows (Lady Darby Mystery, #6)

by Anna Lee Huber

Sebastian Gage returns home to battle the ghosts of his past and prevent them from destroying his future with Kiera in the latest exciting installment in this national bestselling series.

July 1831. It's been fifteen years since Sebastian Gage has set foot in Langstone Manor. Though he has shared little with his wife, Lady Kiera Darby, about his past, she knows that he planned never to return to the place of so many unhappy childhood memories. But when an urgent letter from his grandfather reaches them in Dublin, Ireland, and begs Gage to visit, Kiera convinces him to...Read more

Reviewed by lizarodz on

5 of 5 stars

Awesome! Now on the 6th book of the series, I feel like I know these characters much better. It was fascinating and sad to understand Gage's upbringing and how it made him the man he is. Loved this one!

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  • Started reading
  • 22 July, 2019: Finished reading
  • 22 July, 2019: Reviewed