Reviewed by Lindsey Gray on

5 of 5 stars

Imogen can't catch a break from her meddling family. When her twin sister, Lexie, gets engaged to her scumball ex's best friend, her family is on a mission to get her a date for the engagement party. But Imogen, Gen to her friends, is not up for the losers that keep getting thrown her way. When she actually gets dumped by a guy she had zero interest in the first place, she's done with set ups. When getting up to leave, she accidentally gets a face full of the crotch of the man of her dreams.

Matt is handsome, sweet, charming, and funny, but he's not looking for a relationship. After a shared meal, Gen doesn't plan on seeing him again. Her family's harping doesn't slow down and she blurts out that she is dating Matt to get them off her back. Mom and big sis butt in and get Matt back in Gen's life in an unusual way.

I can't go much further without spoiling things, but Gen and her sisters have a wild ride as the date of Lexie's engagement party creeps closer and Matt and Gen grow closer. I could completely relate with Gen since I'm the middle of three sisters. I have always been the one that was not like the others, so seeing things from Gen's point of view was a little like some of my own arguments with my sisters.

One thing I absolutely loved about this book is the way it made me feel while I was reading it. I read with a smile on my face and laughed more times than I could count. I gasped when something unexpected happened and got teary-eyed when the sisters got to an emotional breaking point.

It seems Rom/Com's are more of a movie or television thing these days. I love that Niecey Roy has brought this one to the page. I love free-spirited Gen and all of her wacky family. Roy made Matt not just eye candy, but a truly witty guy with a genuine heart. I can't wait to read Lexie's story, Done with Love, as soon as I can.

Thanks so much to Niecey Roy for gifting me with a copy of Another Shot at Love in exchange for an honest review.

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  • Started reading
  • 24 June, 2014: Finished reading
  • 24 June, 2014: Reviewed