Before Jamaica Lane by Samantha Young

Before Jamaica Lane (On Dublin Street, #3)

by Samantha Young

The follow-up to the runaway bestsellers ON DUBLIN STREET and DOWN LONDON ROAD

Despite her outgoing demeanor, Olivia is painfully insecure around the opposite sex—usually, she can’t get up the nerve to approach guys she’s interested in. But moving to Edinburgh has given her a new start, and, after she develops a crush on a sexy postgrad, she decides it’s time to push past her fears and go after what she wants.

Nate Sawyer is a gorgeous player who never commits, but to his close friends, he’s as loyal as they come. So when Olivia turns to him...Read more

Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

Samantha Young writes an engaging story of two people struggling to move on from adversity. Olivia is a librarian who has relocated to Edinburgh from the States. From the moment Olivia and Nate meet, they connect, but because they are in the same circle of friends, they deny the attraction they feel for each other and become best friends. As they get to know each other they find they have many similarities. They both like Sci-Fi movies have a similar sense of humor and enjoy hanging out together. Nate is handsome with kind eyes and Olivia always feels comfortable with him. This is unusual for her, because she is usually uncomfortable with guys she is attracted to. Olivia admits to Nate she lacks confidence around men and the dating scene. Although Nate is surprised to hear this, he convinces Olivia she needs lessons in flirting. Nate is a love them and leave them kind of guy. He dates many women and isn’t interested in settling down.

BEFORE JAMAICA LANE is an entertaining story and the fifth book in the On Dublin Street series. Each book is a stand-alone and features a different member in the group. I enjoyed the camaraderie between all the friends. They gave each other a hard time, but also had each other’s back. I liked both Nate and Olivia. Olivia is a strong, confident woman except when it comes to men. Nate is a nice guy who also happens to be hot, flirtatious and has women falling all over him. They have sizzling chemistry and Nate has fun teaching Olivia everything he knows. Olivia is a good student and enjoys the lessons, more than she wants to. Can good friends become lovers? Will their lessons ruin their friendship?

Reviewed by Karen for Cocktails and Books

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  • 10 November, 2013: Reviewed