Hunted by P C Cast, Kristin Cast

Hunted (House of Night, #5)

by P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast

It's all happening, though Zoey Redbird wishes it wasn't. She has her friends back, which is great. But a dark angel has taken over the House of Night, supported by High Priestess Neferet. Not so great. This leaves Zoey hiding out with the (supposedly friendly) red fledglings in Tulsa's prohibition-era tunnels. The not greatness continues. Zoey has some boy-thoughts to distract her, with a chance to make up with super-hot-ex, Eric. But thoughts of the archer that died, semi-permanently, in her arms also keep distracting her. Then he shows up as Neferet's newest minion. Well, hell. Zoey and friends need a plan to put things right, soon, if she's to keep both head and heart intact.

Reviewed by Baroness Book Trove on

4 of 5 stars


This book series, to me, seems like it could be a good one if they tried to make it go through the different years at the House of Night instead of all in one year. I mean how much stuff can a seventeen year old third former is excepted to go through after just being marked? Okay I know I shouldn't do that to the Casts who are amazing writers but I'm just saying how much better it would be. Since it would make more sense. Since I believe that this series started out in 2007 and this is the fifth book of the series which was published in 2009. I mean three years have passed and a whole lot of things changed. I mean for one Project Runway? I believe that wasn't out in 2007 but then again I don't watch reality television. I think that they, the Casts, should at least try to keep with what year they are supposedly writing in. I mean this whole series I'm guessing is going to be in Zoey's third former year and maybe her fourth former year but still that would mean 2007 and 2008 and maybe a little bit in 2009 once they get passed December 31 in Zoey's fourth former year.

Anyways back to the book. I like this book even if it took me a little bit to get really into it since my inner editor kept on finding mistakes and I had to read out what I would have put first before continuing on with the sentence. I mean the Casts are really good writers but they must have gotten a crappy editor for this book. I mean there are a lot of mistakes and mistaking Darius and Damien up on us. I guess I'm going to say that this book for me is a 3 1/2 stars but since I am also posting this review, both on my blog and on my Goodreads account, that it will be a 4 stars on there. I mean it's good but I had to wait until the middle of the book to get really into it and not wanting to put it in and having dreams last night of the book since I couldn't get it out of my head.

Further on about the book is that I wish that the Casts would stop giving Zoey boyfriends all the time. I mean yeah I get it that she is a teenager but when I was a teenager I didn't have this many boys, okay so I didn't have any boyfriends but still, this girl has way too many. Even more so that they have it where Zoey is A-ya but then again I guess I should have seen that coming. So lets recount how many boys Zoey has, even though I still believe that she isn't a ho or a slut, Heath - Imprinted again with Zoey, Erik - her boyfriend vampyre once again, Loren - her dead Imprinter, Kalona - the one that she was created for in another lifetime, and Stark - her undead dead crush that is know the second red vampyre. Okay yeah I know I have revealed some stuff in this review but I don't really do that often.

I believe that the Casts have an interesting plot/idea but I would love it if they tried to keep with the year that they are supposedly in and kind of not make Zoey seem so Mary-Sueish. I know that is the first time I badmouthed the main character but Zoey seems kind of full of herself in this book. I mean yeah in the other books she did too but she kept on looking at the scar she got from a Raven Mocker in the beginning and can't help but think what would any guy she is with would see her naked and with that scar. I mean come on I know that it must be bad but that is what you get for trying to save Heath and being all angry at Erik for being all possessive of you. But then again what else can I say. But the Casts should really try working a little bit more on sounding more teenagerish or try writing in third person since that seems to work more on a book series like this one.

And I think that is it that I want to say about this book please comment or something with this review. Merry Meet, Merry Part, and Merry Meet again on my next review for Tempted. Yup I am going to be reading and reviewing this whole series. Though I believe that I only have the second to last book but I don't mind since I can easily get the other one soon I hope. And now farewell my fellow readers and bloggers.

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