Dr Seuss & Co. Go To War by Andre Schiffrin

Dr Seuss & Co. Go To War

by Andre Schiffrin

Brings together over 300 all-new cartoons from the WWII era, including over 100 by Seuss, 50 by The New Yorker's Saul Steinberg and works by Al Hirschfeld, Carl Rose and Mischa Richter. The cartoons and commentary cover the five years of the war and are divided into five chapters exploring the year leading up to the war, Hitler and Germany, Hitler's Allies, The Home Front and Germany's defeat.

Reviewed by MurderByDeath on

3 of 5 stars


I was a little bit disappointed in this one: I didn't realise this was a different book from Dr. Seuss Goes to War.  I didn't pay close enough attention to the title, which is my bad.   

This book does feature Dr. Seuss political cartoons, but it also features those from quite a few other artists, and of course, Dr. Seuss' best work was featured in the first book.   

Still, lots of commentary on the historical context of the cartoons and definitely interesting in its own right.  I just need to pay better attention next time.

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Reading updates

  • 1 April, 2016: Started reading
  • 10 April, 2016: Finished reading
  • 10 April, 2016: Reviewed