Looking for Alaska by John Green

Looking for Alaska

by John Green

The unmissable and genre-defining first novel from John Green, the international number one bestselling and award-winning author of THE FAULT IN OUR STARS and TURTLES ALL THE WAY DOWN.

Includes a brand-new Readers Guide featuring a Q&A with the author.

Soon to be a HULU TV Series!

In the dark beside me, she smelled of sweat and sunshine and vanilla and on that thin-mooned night I could see little more than her silhouette, but even in the dark, I could see her eyes – fierce emeralds. And beautiful.

BEFORE. Miles Halter’s whole life has...

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Reviewed by Sam@WLABB on

5 of 5 stars

This book is divided into "before" and "after". "Before" tells the tales of our rag-tag group of boarding school kids, and is mostly light-hearted and very amusing. "After" is appropriately darker, as they struggle with this event that has divided their lives into a before and after.

I loved it. I love John Green. He is unpredictable with a distinct voice that speaks volumes to me. My life with John Green:
"The Fault in Our Stars" -- WAAAHHHHHHHHH!
"Paper Towns" -- Awwwwe.
"Will Grayson, Will Grayson" -- LOL
"An Abundance of Katherines" --- Awwwwe
"Looking for Alaska" -- WAAAAAAHHHH!

I was stirred, I was touched, I had to stop riding my exercise bike because I was too choked up to breathe. I found myself highlighting. So many things in this novel hit me in so many ways. JGreen, you are just a great story teller with a huge heart.

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  • Started reading
  • 26 August, 2014: Finished reading
  • 26 August, 2014: Reviewed