Reviewed by Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading on

4 of 5 stars

I have read several books in the romantic suspense genre, and what I have found with most of them is that most of the focus is on the suspense element, and not much attention is given to the emotional aspect of the story. This was not the case with Fearless for Love by Clara Stone. The author ensured that there was a perfect blend of romance, drama and suspense.

The characters came to life. I was privy to their past and current issues, which made it easy for me to establish a connection with them. They all evoked a variety of emotions within me. There were some that were easy to love, then there were those that I was dying to see them get what was coming to them. However, out all the characters my favourites were the protagonists, Harrington and Jessica .

Harrington is trying to escape the demons of his past. He was considered the black sheep in his family. Reeling from the loss of his mom, he began engaging in reckless activities. He managed to turn his life around, but he never gave up on living dangerously. As such when his best friend's sister came to him, seeking his help to find her brother he did not hesitate. He was fearless for almost everything except when it came to matters of the heart. This was the one thing that scared him, and his fear intensified the day he met Jessica Owens.

Jessica is a strong and independent woman. She had endured her share of pain, both physical and emotional. She had been to hell and back, but she was a fighter. She was not one to allow her past to cripple her and prevent her from pursuing her dream. She was not afraid to enter uncharted waters to achieve her goals. I loved her fighting spirit. She was not the reckless type, but when her back is against the wall she was not afraid to fight back.

The romance was sweet, warm and tender. This was not an insta-love connection. They took their time getting to know each other. There were moments when doubts and insecurities from the past would rear its ugly head. I could not help but to cheer them on and kept hoping that all would go well.

The pacing was well balanced. The suspense element was nerve wracking. The author had me on the edge of my seat the entire time. I was waiting for all hell to break loose at every page turn. I was scared for both Harrington and Jessica. When the moment I was anxiously waiting for finally came, it was intriguing to watch the entire scene play out. Even at that point I was nervous as to what the outcome would be. I loved the way Jessica handled herself during that intense moment.

Although I enjoyed the story, there were some aspects that I had an issue with. I was hoping that there would have been a lot more interaction between Harrison and his family. This, however did not take away from my enjoyment of the book.

It should be noted that this is the third book in the Lovelly series, but it can be read as a stand-alone. I never read the previous books in the series and this is my first time reading the author's work. Now after completing this installment, I am compelled to complete the series.

If you enjoy heartwarming romance, that's tinged with drama and suspense then you will enjoy Fearless for Love.

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  • Started reading
  • 23 November, 2016: Finished reading
  • 23 November, 2016: Reviewed