Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

4 of 5 stars

Anna Jackson had Breast Cancer, just before she went in for her operation to have the cancerous growth removed she decided that life was too short and she was going to have fun. Gone was the lawyer and here was a woman with a list, a list of things that she wanted to do, and wanted to do soon. Cause you know what, you never know what's around the corner.

One of the things she wants to do is have some fun sex with a few people. So she takes some advice from her brother and plans that this is her next mission. The only problem is that Marc Lewis comes into her life. Suddenly he's important to her, and she's not sure that she wants to let him go. He feels some of the same, but he's not sure he's made to be a husband.

The two of them are great, yes there's a fair amount of sex involved but it's the moments, the characters, the way they spark and the way they want to be themselves above all else. I liked how Anna had that darkness of the Cancer behind her but it didn't consume her. I loved how they learned how much they cared.

I'd read more by this author.

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  • 15 May, 2009: Reviewed