Between the Lives by Jessica Shirvington

Between the Lives

by Jessica Shirvington

For as long as she can remember, Sabine has lived two lives. Every 24 hours she Shifts to her 'other' life - a life where she is exactly the same, but absolutely everything else is different: different family, different friends, different social expectations. In one life she has a sister, in the other she does not. In one life she's a straight-A student with the perfect boyfriend, in the other she's considered a reckless delinquent. Nothing about her situation has ever changed, until the day when she discovers a glitch: the arm she breaks in one life is perfectly...

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Reviewed by Sarah Says on

5 of 5 stars

I LOVED loved loved Shirvington's Disruption duology, so I had extremely high hopes for the quality and my enjoyment for this book - and it lived up to them. I found this book to be super cute and easy to get into. I easily connected with Sabine and felt for her plight. The love interest was to die for, or rather to live for. Between the Lives is the story of a young woman literally living two lives. *WARNING it's a Tearjerker* Oh how I cried!! But the ending did make up for the tears, leaving me warm and fuzzy inside.

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  • Started reading
  • 16 February, 2018: Finished reading
  • 16 February, 2018: Reviewed
  • Started reading
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  • 16 February, 2018: Reviewed