Reviewed by annieb123 on

3 of 5 stars

Sappy. Chaotic. Flat.

I am emphatically not the target audience, so I suspect if you're fond of the genre (light paranormal romance) and/or have low(ish) expectations in terms of grammar, plotting etc, or are in the mood for a very light beach read which you can read one sentence at a time between people watching, this might fill the bill and satisfy.

After reading it, I'm just left with a 'meh' feeling. The characters are one dimensional, the bad guy(s) are only bad... the quirky characters are more creepy than quirky and there's a 'pasted in' gay love interest to up the potential demographic. (/sigh)

The denoument was... ridiculous is the word that springs to mind, but it seems a bit harsh. It felt as though the author had gotten to that point in the book and simply wanted it to end (I did too, at that point).

The was no dramatic tension in this book for me. I found myself being annoyed, but not caring about the plot or characters much.

It's fairly short, and I borrowed it from the library, so I'm not as disappointed as I might otherwise have been. I just find myself wondering how many matchy-matchy everything works out in the end, everyone finds someone after all the drama-dust settles, paranormal, erotica x-tra-lite (gag) books come down the pike before the pump runs dry.

I sound like a curmudgeon and I'm really not one. There are enough people who do like happy happy cute paranormal romances who obviously disagree with me, so YMMV! :)

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  • 30 October, 2014: Reviewed