Confessions of a Chalet Girl by Lorraine Wilson

Confessions of a Chalet Girl (Ski Season, #1)

by Lorraine Wilson

Verbier. Exclusive Swiss ski resort and the winter playground of the rich and famous = every chalet girl’s dream!

Good for:

Maximum time on the ski slopes – and in the bars at night!

Looking for flings – or looking for rings!

Super hot snowboarders such as Luxury Chalet Experiences owner Scott Hamilton…

But not for Holly Buchanan. This accidental chalet girl won’t drink, can’t ski – and isn’t there to hook up with any man who’s only interested in making her another notch on his ski pole. Or so she thinks!

Scott’s living life to full, both on and off the piste, and Holly can’t help but find his attitude just a little bit infectious… And the hook up? Well,she’s going to have to confess that one night with her boss just won’t be enough!

So pack your salopettes and pour another shot of Jägermeister, it’s time to hit the slopes.

Reviewed by ellieroth on

2 of 5 stars

I've received an ARC of this in exchange of a honest review

El Extraño Gato del Cuento


Una vez leí a otro lector decir: "No me gustan las historias cortas porque cuando empiezan a tomar ritmo/interés, se acaban". Y tiene una gran parte de razón, porque al menos en este caso, las primeras páginas (que serían todas), no hay mucha buena cosa rescatable.

Para empezar está lleno de clichés: diálogos, situaciones, personajes, no da nada nuevo como libro. ¿Punto positivos? Se lee rápido, te entretiene un par de horas. No es la gran cosa, pero tampoco es tan malo. Sirve para practicar tu inglés británico, un montón de "Bloody Hell" :P

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  • Started reading
  • 3 August, 2013: Finished reading
  • 3 August, 2013: Reviewed