Reviewed by Angie on

3 of 5 stars

I received an ARC through NetGalley.

Deception is another exciting installment to this unique series! I didn't like it quite as much as the first book, but I still really enjoyed it. Belinda's friend Lillian is off on an information gathering mission. Dorian was tasked with following her and making sure anything important that she learns gets back to The Company. Of course, Lillian doesn't appreciate having tabs kept on her, but Dorian agrees to help with her mission. The two learn much more than they anticipated, and they come face to face with the demon master.

Deception was a lot of fun. Lillian is a no nonsense kind of lady (although she doesn't like being called a lady) and she really knows how to handle her blades. She is no damsel in distress and does not want a man dictating her life, so it's hard for her to open up to her feelings for Dorian. Dorian on the other hand, wears his heart on his sleeve and tells Lillian just how it is, even when she refuses him. There's so much tension between them at the beginning! Then there's a lot of sex! It was a bit repetitive which is part of what kept me from loving it, but it was still a steamy read.

As for the plot, Deception was still exciting. The demon master is gaining power and is trying to enter our world again. Lillian and Dorian's studies have led them to some very interesting information regarding how the demons even got to London in the first place. There's a traitor in their midst! So all is not as it seems within The Company.

In the end, I liked Deception. I'm still loving this combination of Historical Romance and Urban Fantasy. The demon hunters are one step closer to stopping the demons from taking over for good and I can't wait to see what comes next!

Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.

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  • Started reading
  • 27 May, 2015: Finished reading
  • 27 May, 2015: Reviewed