Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

This review was originally posted on Cocktails and Books

Adelyn has her own issues. She's determined to build her business but shies away from men. No one could blame her, considering what she had been through with her ex. But she's drawn to Olivier, especially since he's the only man to awaken her libido in five years.

I lived Oliver and Adelyn together. Oliver showed her what it's like to be worshipped by a man and loved the right way. Adelyn needed that, considering all she'd been through. And Oliver found that he wasn't like his biological parents and that he could have a real, healthy relationship. Oliver also discovered that "healthy" could have various meanings, depending on the couple. He was enlightened to a kinkier sex life than he'd experienced in the past and I loved how Adelyn was able to give that to him, because it was obvious it was something he was good at.

My only issue with the story came from when Olivier discovered what Adelyn liked in the bedroom. He was scared by it and ran. He did some research and then came back asking if they could compromise....which to me was all great. But I wanted to know exactly what scared Oliver so much? What changed his mind? And why didn't he and Adelyn ever really discuss what she needed versus what was Oliver's hard limits? I know they worked it out, but I would think given his reaction, they would have needed to have a much more in-depth discussion about it and set some limits. Saying "we need to compromise" seemed too vague.

Overall, this was another solid read by Georgia Cates. The Lovibond world she's created pulls you in. The characters are wonderfully flawed, yet loyal and loving and hard not to like. I find myself hard-pressed to put my Kindle down with this group. It's definitely a series to check out and Oliver's story is my favorite so far.

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  • Started reading
  • 11 May, 2016: Finished reading
  • 11 May, 2016: Reviewed