What I Like About Me by Jenna Guillaume

What I Like About Me

by Jenna Guillaume

Plus-sized sixteen-year-old Maisie Martin never thought she had the figure to compete in a beauty pageant, but this vacation is about to change everything.

Maisie has spent most of her life hiding her body from everyone: her gorgeous best friend, her pageant-winning sister, and definitely her longtime crush. Never one to jump in the water, Maisie is planning on taking it easy while her friends chill at the beach.

But then her BFF starts flirting with the boy she's always loved, her older sister comes home and steals the spotlight, and Maisie has found herself pushed aside like usual. Except now, she's had enough. After forging new friendships, Maisie takes the deep dive and enters the local Miss Teen Queen. Now, with all eyes on her, can Maisie prove she has a place in the spotlight?

This contemporary young adult novel is as relatable as it is charming and Maisie's realistic journey towards confidence and self-love will draw readers in as she learns how to celebrate all of herself.

Reviewed by Sam@WLABB on

5 of 5 stars

Rating: 4.5 Stars

Maisie had always looked forward to spending summer break at the beach with her family and the family of her mom's best friend. However, this year's vacation was off to a terrible start. Her father was absent, and her best friend was gaining the attention of Maisie's long time crush. But, oddly enough, it was her mandatory writing assignment, which helped Maisie through it all. Who knew that completing her school discovery journal would lead to Maisie discovering herself.

This book was pure joy for me! I swear! I had a smile on my face from beginning to end, and here are five reasons I found this book such an utter delight.

1. Maisie was fantastic! I swear, if Maisie was a real person, I would want to be her friend. She was witty and kind, and her observations, though usually delivered in a humorous way, were spot on.

2. Beamer

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  • Started reading
  • 14 February, 2020: Finished reading
  • 14 February, 2020: Reviewed