The Space Between by Dete Meserve

The Space Between

by Dete Meserve

The truth isn’t what it seems in this stirring novel of suspense.

After presenting a major scientific breakthrough to a rapt audience across the country, renowned astronomer Sarah Mayfield returns home to a disturbing discovery. Her husband, Ben, a Los Angeles restaurateur, has disappeared, leaving behind an unexplained bank deposit of a million dollars, a loaded Glock in the nightstand, and a video security system that’s been wiped clean. The only answers their son, Zack, can offer are the last words his father said to him: keep the doors locked and set the alarm.

Sarah’s marriage was more troubled than anyone suspected, but now she is afraid that her husband’s recent past could be darker than she dares to admit. Suspecting that nothing about Ben’s vanishing is what it seems, Sarah must delve into the space between old memories, newfound fears, and misleading clues to piece together the mystery of her husband’s disappearance—and find what she hopes in her heart is the truth.

Reviewed by Jeff Sexton on

5 of 5 stars

Gone Geeky Girl. This book definitely has a Gone Girl kind of vibe to it as we follow a female NASA astronomer as she presents her findings in DC, then comes home to find her husband missing. Overall, it was a very cleverly written book from an angle not often seen, and so from that perspective was excellent. My only quibble is that I am one of those that virtually *never* sees the bad guy coming... and in this one, it was fairly obvious by the 60% mark. Still, an absolutely worthy read and highly recommended.

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  • 10 July, 2018: Reviewed