Reviewed by Angie on

2 of 5 stars

It's Not My Favorite is certainly not one of my favorites. I loved the sound of this one from the description, but it's really not anything like that. Gwenn and Rachel are sisters and very close, and they've both had to deal with their born again Christian parents trying to direct their lives. Mostly, their mother criticizes everything about them and constantly tries to hook them up with nice Christian boys. Well, Gwenn isn't interested in anyone from church and Rachel is a lesbian (not that her parents know that). Then Gwenn finds a picture that leads her to the man who might be what's missing from her life.

Sadly, it became clear early on that It's Not My Favorite was not going to be a story about both sisters finding love and dealing with their mother. It's very much Gwenn's story and honestly, other than the awkwardness at the beginning, it's not that interesting. Rachel on the other hand has a break-up, rebound, make-up, and coming out all crammed into maybe five out of fifty chapters! That is not fair especially since she's given half of the description! She's very much a side character and not the main character.

It's Not My Favorite did start off pretty great. Gwenn has never felt like she fits in her family, so when she thinks her mother may have had an affair around the time of her conception, she's desperate to find the truth. Of course this means that she originally thought the love interest was her father! Talk about awkward! But then she takes off to New Zealand to get herself together and Daniel stalks her across the world. That is not okay! They had only met twice: once when she asked if he's her father and then again for a DNA test. But he's in love with her and has to find her and bring her home! Creepy!

It's Not My Favorite was just not what I was expecting to read and there was no way I could get behind that romance after Daniel starts stalking Gwenn after two conversations. I was even more troubled that Gwenn's assistant would give out that much information to a client! He could have been a psycho killer! And more than that, Daniel goes to therapy and she basically tells him that he needs to let Gwenn see him as a potential romantic partner and not the representation of the family she lost, rather than telling him that stalking is not okay! I really don't get it.

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  • 9 November, 2015: Finished reading
  • 9 November, 2015: Reviewed