Breach of Crust by Ellery Adams

Breach of Crust (Charmed Pie Shoppe Mystery, #5)

by Ellery Adams

Plate up another slice of Southern magic and mystery from the New York Times bestselling author of Lemon Pies and Little White Lies . . .
Ella Mae LeFaye’s delicious pies are still drawing long lines—as well as the attention of Beatrice Burbank, president of the Camellia Club, a philanthropic organization comprised of high-society Southern ladies from the charming and affluent town of Sweet Briar, Georgia. To ensure the success of their centennial dessert cookbook, Bea hires Ella Mae to teach the tasty tricks of her trade to the club’s members at...Read more

Reviewed by MurderByDeath on

Boy has this series gotten 'out there'.  It's almost more fantasy than cozy mystery.   I liked the characters and setting as much as ever, but the plot of this one was just too much for me.  The murder mystery was well plotted, but the whole climax at the end was just too melodramatic and over-the-top; if it had been written to be an urban fantasy, it would have worked much better; as a cozy, it just comes across too cute to take seriously.   I loved the very end though; it was believably sweet.

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  • Started reading
  • 27 July, 2017: Finished reading
  • 27 July, 2017: Reviewed