Hard Rain by Barry Eisler

Hard Rain (John Rain Thrillers)

by Barry Eisler

John Rain has gone to ground. He's had enough of doing people's dirty work for them. He's had his fill of killing. Yet when his old nemesis tracks him down, he is forced to do his bidding. Powerful, secretive elements threaten to bring down the government - and Rain must stop them the only way he knows how. Getting involved will expose his few friends and contacts to extreme danger. But no one knows this business like John Rain, and no one would underestimate a man protecting all he holds dear...

Reviewed by bettyehollands on

3 of 5 stars

I just can't get enough of these pulpy Japanese assassin turned good guy books. Even though they aren't exactly classic literature they're still fun and easy to read. I love the setting and all the little details, even if the writing isn't amazing. I look forward to devouring the next one and seeing how John Rain's semi-crusade against corrupt politicians continues to unfold.

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  • Started reading
  • 1 October, 2017: Finished reading
  • 1 October, 2017: Reviewed