Reviewed by phyllish on

5 of 5 stars

This book was a sweet romance story involving a princess and a Canadian.  The tone of the book was lighthearted, but with a touch of suspense.  Astrid had a tragic past, losing her husband to an accident before she could tell him she was pregnant.  The main part of the story starts two years later.  Jordan was a hockey-loving Canadian who also enjoyed a number of other sports, though he was limited in how much he could do due to heart issues.  Sophia is Astrid's delightful daughter.  I loved the way Jordan brought his love for hockey into so many things, even teaching 20 month old Sophia how to play.  The tentative relationship between Jordan and Astrid that was constantly changing as she struggled with whether or not he could be trusted was touching and realistic.  Jordan was the perfect hero, trying to learn how to fit into the world of royalty and the public.  

The story was told from both Jordan's and Astrid's viewpoints in a third-person narrative, switching back and forth between their perspectives.

This books is part of the Crowns & Courtships series and is Book 1 of Royals of San Majoria.  Though there are characters in this book from other books by Carol Moncado, this book can stand alone.

Genre: Clean Romance with a hint of mystery/suspense.  The author lists this as Christian fiction, but there is not really anything in the book other than the couple being Christians and attending church that would give any hint that it should perhaps fall in that category.

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  • 8 August, 2017: Finished reading
  • 8 August, 2017: Reviewed