Reviewed by bearley on

3 of 5 stars

I'd definitely recommend this for lovers of psychological horror and thrillers. There are so many moments throughout the story that will have you questioning reality. The author described it to me as a mix between “Rosemary's Baby” and “Nightmare on Elm Street”. There were also heavy “They Look Like People” vibes! I think most horror fans will enjoy this – especially fans of A24 films cause it would fit perfectly in that universe.

While it is a modern setting, there was an older vibe to the story as if it could have been written in the 70s. I feel like I can`t give away too much of the plot as it`ll be spoilers, so I'd definitely recommend going in blind to really amp up the wtf-ness of the book. The basic premise is a college student moving away from his overbearing mother who is plagued with nightmares about a woman.

I`d recommend this to any readers that love introspective and psychological horror! I really enjoyed the ending and feel like most readers will enjoy it as well. I`m not gonna spoil it but I do want a prequel and sequel – however that may dispel the mystery of the story.

Thank you to the author @deranged for sending me this ARC!

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  • 1 July, 2023: Finished reading
  • 1 July, 2023: Reviewed