Finding It by Cora Carmack

Finding It (Losing It, #3)

by Cora Carmack

Kelsey Summers is looking for love in all the wrong places…

Spending a few months travelling around Europe – with no parents, no responsibilities and a no limit credit card – Kelsey’s having the time of her life.

But when she completely embarrasses herself in front of the hottest guy she’s ever seen, she soon realises there’s more to life than the next party.

What she doesn’t realise is that although she’s on a journey to find herself, she will end up finding The One...

Reviewed by Ashley on

1 of 5 stars

Nose Graze — Young Adult book reviews

1.5 Stars

The first thing you should know about Finding It is that it's nothing like Losing It or Faking It. I thought Losing It and Faking It were great for a few reasons: the characters felt real, the scenes were hilariously awkward, and the relationships with slow-building. Finding It has none of those things.

Kelsey is not a likable character. She uses alcohol and sex to solve every single one of her problems, and I never feel like that changes—not even at the end of the book. Every move she makes is in an effort to sexually seduce Jackson and get him to have sex with her. This made it really hard for me to connect with Kelsey. I never sympathized with her or even liked her that much. She always seemed like such a shallow character. And she always talked about how she was "Done with [her] dad controlling [her] life", but she had no problem running around Europe on his money. *rolls eyes*

"God, I love when people love me."

My killer stilettos kept my legs in decent shape.

And Kelsey couldn't even go a few days without sex without complaining. I get that she was a party girl, but geeze. I don't think I was prepared to handle all her crap. I think I thought that she'd get better or she wouldn't really be that bad, but she was. body aching from neglect. After a few nights, I couldn't take it anymore.

In general, the whole story felt quick, fleeting, and shallow. I never truly got invested in the story or characters. Kelsey and Jackson's relationship was insta-love from the very beginning. She saw him, drooled over his abs, and wanted to get in his pants. He saw her, thought she was sexy, but tried to hold back and wanted a relationship. But immediately that attraction was there, and that's all it ever felt like—physical attraction. They rarely talked or got to know each other... they just went bungee jumping and drooled over each other.

"Well, Jackson Hunt. Stop being a pansy, and just take my clothes off.

And talk about making it easy to seduce Hunt. If I couldn't do it in Italy, someone should take away my vagina because I didn't deserve it.

Also there were a few small things that bugged me.. Like the fact that Kelsey was able to get a work visa in Europe SO easily—in less than a month. What the hell??? You can't just waltz into Europe and get a work visa, believe me... I'd know.

Finding It had none of the elements that I loved in Cora Carmack's other two books. In Losing It and Faking It I LOVED laughing at the hilarious, awkward scenes. Well Finding It isn't funny or awkward. That's just not part of the book at all, which surprised me since it was so prominent in the other two books. And similarly, I loved the romances in Losing It and Faking It. In both cases, they were super slow burning, passionate, and just great romances to read about. But in Finding It it felt so shallow. I never felt like I knew or cared about the characters (or their relationship) at all. It felt like pure attraction and pure sex, but not a real relationship. Kelsey and Jackson didn't even know each other.. I didn't even know them. And as a result, I just couldn't get into their relationship at all.

Finding It is more a book about "I have super intense problems and I'm damaged and z0mg I need a man to fix me." But even with that in mind, I don't feel like Kelsey properly deals with her problems. At the beginning, her main problem is that she runs away from her problems, and I feel like she's still doing that at the end. It kind of gave the whole story a "What's the point?" feeling.

So, ultimately, I'm really disappointed in Finding It. I thought this book would be a slam dunk since I loved the other two books.. but Finding It was nothing like the rest of the series. The book was supposed to be all about a great romance, but it didn't even have that. It was too insta-lovey and too focused on physical attraction rather than real feelings and emotional connection.

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  • 31 August, 2013: Reviewed