Night Terror by Nicholas Knight, Eric Kripke

Night Terror (Supernatural)

by Nicholas Knight and Eric Kripke

Alerted to strange happenings in Clayton Falls, Colorado, Bobby sends the boys to check it out. A speeding car with no driver, a homeless man pursued by a massive Gila monster, a little boy chased by uprooted trees — it all sounds like the stuff of nightmares. The boys fight to survive a series of terrifying nighttimes, realizing that sometimes the nightmares don’t go away — even when you’re awake...

A Supernatural novel that reveals a previously unseen adventure for the Winchester brothers, from the hit TV series!

Reviewed by CrowNoYami on

1 of 5 stars

I want to start off by saying I don't like giving bad reviews, I don't. However this book was painful to get through. I ended up reading this book out loud and not only did I find the punctuation incorrect and lacking, (OMG use a comma normal people have to breathe) the EXTREME over usage of the words 'said' and 'asked' was irritating to say the least. I spent most of the book cringing (and not from the actual monsters) while reading. Even the acknowledgements didn't make sense, one minute he's thanking someone for answering Supernatural trivia for him (which does explain why he says Dean and Sam -constantly- and not Sam and Dean) but then goes on to say how much of a fan he is of the series and waits for it each week.

Overall the plot wasn't bad, however the monster of the week made me feel awkward as her 'feeding' seemed sexual with the way it was described which made it very uncomfortable while reading. Now perhaps the issue isn't the incorrect and over usage of some words but in fact due to me reading it out loud, if so I apologize as perhaps I wouldn't have noticed that every piece of dialogue had 'said' or 'asked' if I was reading it inside my head. I do have to say that the actual plotline was good, I did enjoy the idea of the monster that was created and some of the original characters who were added. It also did not focus on sex like the book previous in the Supernatural series.

I do have to say that I nearly cried when I noticed that the same author wrote the next in the series which I will start reading tomorrow, silently to see if it makes a difference. I hope it does. Also my sister who was the one I was reading it to would like me to add that she believed the story: "Sucked and was too long, and used said too much." she's 12 so take that how you will. My mother who was the one to introduce me to reading listened to me read the story for a few chapters and "wished it would be over soon."

It could be my own reading however that was the issue so I do look forward to seeing if the next book is any better. Like I said at the start of this review I don't like leaving bad reviews, as a writer (not published... yet) it makes me cringe and feel horrible. Bottom line, if you want this book to complete your Supernatural collection go ahead, I'll still have mine on my shelf. If you want to pick it up as a random read? Maybe start with something else if new to the Supernatural fandom... like Bobby Singer's Guide to Hunting, or even the first of the series Nevermore. Do I regret buying it? No it looks good with the rest of the series... I simply regret opening it.

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  • Started reading
  • 10 June, 2018: Finished reading
  • 10 June, 2018: Reviewed