Reviewed by Quirky Cat on

4 of 5 stars

Even the most die-hard mall haters will be shocked by the revelations presented EVERYTHING #2, which releases this Wednesday from Dark Horse Comics. Sometimes corporate greed is a good enough reason to hate mega shopping centers. And then, there are days where you wish that were all that was wrong.

Things have been strange ever since the new mall moved in…and not in the way one would expect. Everything takes every dark thought and horror a person can have and mashes it into a consumer environment. The end result is something odd and disturbing.

Everything #2 continues to take the everyday items and turn them into something more sinister. While it may be a series full of bright colors – it is surely anything but a happy and cheerful tale. The real question on readers’ minds is: what exactly is happening here?

There is a lot of information stuffed into the second issue in the series, leaving plenty for us readers to pick up between the lines. Or between the panels, as it were. There are still many answers to be found. And the characters within the series are not doing much better, in regards to figuring things out.

Check out my full review over at Monkeys Fighting Robots

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  • 3 October, 2019: Finished reading
  • 3 October, 2019: Reviewed