Reviewed by chymerra on

4 of 5 stars

Before I start my review, I would like to thank Independent Book Publisher’s Association (IBPA) and NetGalley for allowing me to review Exploits by Clara Grace Walker.

**All opinions stated in this review are mine and mine alone. I received Exploits: A Glamorous, Dangerous Romance from Independent Book Publisher’s Association (IBPA) through NetGalley for free free for my honest review.”

Now onto my review:

This book was a hot mess (and I mean it in a good way). I honestly didn’t know what to expect from one chapter to the next. Usually I can’t stand that in a book but this one, well, it worked.

I wasn’t too fond of Sunny’s character at first. She was too innocent and too much of a goody two shoes. So when the missing man turned up in the backseat of her car, what does she do…..she puts the body in a freezer. Seriously??? I put my Kindle down and said “Why???”. But I loved the name she came up for him, the Boydsicle. Everytime I saw it, I giggled a little bit.

Sunny also has some serious issues going on too. Her parents died right after telling her that they were disappointed in her and her aunt (who raised her) is extremely pushy. But the main one, was that she was hung up on a guy took her virginity at 17 and told her that she wasn’t good enough for him to have sex with again…..9 years later. I remember thinking to myself, “Girl, you need a therapist”.

Darla, the other female main character, was a biatch. She was the one who put the body in Sunny’s car, she keeps on leaking “information” about him being missing to a reporter named Lila and she is sleeping with every guy in the book except Leo and Jeremy. Oh and she hates Sunny. For some reason, she seems to think that Sunny is better than her and she tried to outdo her in everything. I actually liked her, believe it or not and her scenes in the book (especially the ones in the shoe store and the dress shop) were hilarious.

Jeremy was OK. I didn’t have a connect with him like I did with Sunny (later on in the book) and Darla. I did like his plan for getting info out of Sunny about Boyd’s whereabouts. He was going to sleep with her. Good police work, Chief (oh yeah, he’s a police chief).

There were serious sparks between him and Sunny but to begin a relationship off of lies is not good (on both of their ends). The sex scenes were fantastic!!

There are so many other character in this book that if I wrote about each of them, this blog would be long and boring, so I decided just to highlight the main three above. To be honest, this book read exactly like a soap opera. I was seriously expecting to see the words “Yesterday on Exploits” pop up in between chapters with a recap.

The ending was somewhat confusing but all the storylines (I think 4??) were brought together and resolved in a way that left me as a reader, satisfied.

How many stars will I give Exploits? 4

Why? A well written romance. There is a lot going on in the book, though, and keeping the characters straight and their relationships to other characters were confusing. Other than that, it was a great read.

Will I reread? Yes

Will I recommend to family and friends? Yes

Age Range: Adult

Why? Sex, drug use and violence

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  • Started reading
  • 15 September, 2016: Finished reading
  • 15 September, 2016: Reviewed