Reviewed by lizarodz on

4 of 5 stars

This book was provided to me for free by the author for review.

Find the original review here: Reading with ABC

I enjoyed Earth, it was a quick and fascinating read!

Earth is mostly about magic. It is very interesting the way different believes are mixed in a way to makes sense to the reader, on one hand we have witches/warlocks, magic, herbs, candles, stones and the like; on the other hand we have very structured religious beliefs and even guardian angels. Of course, there are also bad guys, demons and other things that go ‘bump’ in the night.

Shayna and her friends were born with affinity to the elements. Shayna is an earth elemental, Steven is a fire elemental, and Jodi has affinity to air and all of them have a strong bond. Of the three friends Shayna is the stronger ‘witch’ of the bunch. Shayna is a grounded character, she is selfless, and good to the core; she is loyal to her friends. However, she doesn’t always make the best decisions; it’s a good think that her friends have her back. I love Steven the most; he is a lot of fun to be around! Jodi is okay, but I think she is also jealous of Shayna’s looks and power.

The characterization is really good, although is always disturbing to be how little involvement some parents have in their children’s life.

The story is told from Shayna’s point of view, and flows effortlessly. The plot is expertly executed and fairly simple. I was able to guess who the bad guy is, but that didn’t spoil the fun for me. It is nice to read a book in which the characters know what they are and what they can do from the beginning. The writing flows nicely, and it gives the reader enough background to understand all the nuances of the magic being performed.

I definitely plan to read the rest of the series Air and Water. (Besides I’m dying to know what happens with Jensen!)

Here are some non-spoiler quotes:

“…and eventually I found myself, unsurprisingly, at the bookstore. I loved this place. It was huge with a coffee shop on the first floor full of my people, coffee drinkers and readers.”

“I wanted to open the door. I thought of all those horror movies where the girl is home alone in the middle of the night and stupidly opens the door for the crazed killer. I always yelled at those girls and thought they deserved to die for being so stupid. Was I going to be that girl?”

About the cover: It is a beautiful cover, I love the colors and the intensity of Shayna’s eyes.

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  • Started reading
  • 3 October, 2012: Finished reading
  • 3 October, 2012: Reviewed