Infinite Sky by C. J. Flood

Infinite Sky

by C. J. Flood

Winner of the Branford Boase award 2014.
A truly beautiful book about the summer that changed one girl's life, as her mum leaves home, travellers set up camp in the family's field, her older brother goes off the rails, and she falls in love for the very first time. Opening with a funeral, Iris is mourning the boy in the casket - but who is it? Sam, her tearaway brother, or Trick, her tentative boyfriend? Over one long hot summer, we find out just how their three lives were turned upside-down.

Reviewed by Amber on

2 of 5 stars

I was expecting Infinite Sky to be a beautiful and captivating read, but unfortunately it didn't live up to those expectations. It was pretty dull. Despite being bored for most of the book, I did get kicked right in the feels towards the end.

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  • Started reading
  • 26 December, 2012: Finished reading
  • 26 December, 2012: Reviewed