Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

4 of 5 stars

Cappuccino Review of Grave Attraction

One of the most popular espresso drinks, a cappuccino is equal parts espresso, steamed milk and foamed milk. I've broken down the book into those key ingredients.

  • Espresso: The characters are the heart of this story. Adam Javorski was a Chicago police officer in his former life and now works for FATE as a reaper. Just as he did in life, he plays by the books until he helps a victim escape a serial killer. Marlena Walther is a shifter who was kidnapped on her morning run. Adam erased her memory of him helping her escape her captor, but when he shows up to visit her daughter a witch her memories of him and more come back to her. Adam and Marlena were once mated in one of his earlier lives. It made for an interesting second chance romance. Adam is a reaper and quite swoon-worthy. The man owns a pit bull so right away I was soft for him. Marlena is kick-ass, confident, and clever.  I loved the thread with her daughter the witch. Dmitri, Cassie and Samuel, Adam’s boss who reports directly to FATE are heavily involved in all the threads.

  • Steamed Milk: Grave Attraction delivered several suspenseful mystery threads that kept me engaged. Sjoberg did a successful job of weaving them all together and involving our couple. The first involves a serial killer who is attacking for a specific reason. When Marlena escapes, he fixated with finishing what he started. While this thread introduces the couples and had some creepy elements it faded in and out of the story as other issues arose. The second thread, which I found most fascinating, involved Samuel. Most of the reapers, heck most folks think Samuel is an arrogant ass but I like him, and Sjoberg shares aside of him our characters do not get to see. His thread is not mentioned in the synopsis so I shall attempt to be vague. Samuel is in trouble and Adam ends up helping him. He calls in Dmitri and Cassie to help. This thread pulls in Marlena’s daughter the witch. Let us call it the hand of fate pulling these two soul mates together. The third thread is the second chance romance. I loved learning about their shared history and tying other characters into their past lives. Sjoberg weaved these threads together, made some interesting reveals,and updated us on characters. All of these elements left me craving more Grave books.

  • Foamed Milk: The second chance romance between Marlena and Adam was sizzling and  sweet.  Their shared past made me weep and I loved all the details. Despite the mating bond, the romance began slowly but once the fire ignited between them the heat was off the charts. I enjoyed their playful banter and the respect they held for one another. It was fun having a shifter introduced and the way the tale wrapped up delighted me. Adam was determined, sexy and at times downright adorkable. Despite some obstacles I found myself rooting for these two.

Copy provided by author This review was originally posted on Caffeinated Book Reviewer

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  • 10 April, 2016: Finished reading
  • 10 April, 2016: Reviewed