Reviewed by funstm on

3 of 5 stars

I kind of hated this book to start with. I don't know why exactly, there wasn't anything particular, just didn't grab me. So I put it down for a really long time. Then I picked it up again the other week and tried again. I still kind of hated it but I pushed on through and then this weird thing happened where I found I was actually really enjoying it.

I still hate Fate though. Guy is a jackass. I really don't understand the romance between them because there's nothing to like. Maybe that would be different if he was standing in front of me and I found him hot, I don't know. But he is not standing in front of me and I just found him annoying. No doubt there's going to be a whole soulmate plot in the next books but it still just irritates me - it's all instalove with no substance.

Karma for the most part is an alright character. Can be a bit whiny at times and has some real stupid moments but she's okay. I like the door guards the best. Funny indeed.

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  • Started reading
  • 5 March, 2017: Finished reading
  • 5 March, 2017: Reviewed