Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed this book! I love Christmas reads and I absolutely love damaged heroes and watching their journey to heal. Wyatt’s mother abandoned him and his younger brother, Dalton when they were just kids. Luckily their stepdad, Jed, had the guts to step in and raise children that weren’t his. What a man!

After a failed relationship, Wyatt is even more protective of his heart and skeptical to trust any woman. This saves him from heartache yet leaves him very lonely. That is until the feisty, quick-witted Aimee turns up on his doorstep one wintery night. Aimee has hurts of her own but can’t deny the connection she has with the broody cowboy.

I loved the interaction between Wyatt and Aimee. I also loved how Aimee was able to melt the ice around Wyatt’s heart and slowly get him to trust and love again. It’s amazing what the right man, or woman can do in someone’s life. A sweet love story and a great comfort read!

Reviewed by Elizabeth for Cocktails and Books

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  • 11 August, 2013: Reviewed