Reviewed by Baroness Book Trove on

5 of 5 stars

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy from the Author. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.Friday Night Bites by Erin Johnson is an enjoyable paranormal cozy mystery, and I loved every minute of reading this book.

Two murders in one night? Are they connected or just a coincidence?

Jolene Hartgrove

Jolene Hartgrove is our main character and point of view narrator. Another thing that I love is that we have a shifter for the main character. However, I wish that she will tell Peter, though, but I get with why she doesn't. Jolene is cursed and doesn't have magical powers anymore. I love the way that she uses the only power that she has now for her gain. Pretending to be a pet psychic since Jolene can hear an animal's thoughts is her only way to make money. She is the psychic that helps with police investigations that involve animals. 

What I like about Jolene is that she knows its wrong to help out the police, but she feels more like her old self when she does. She has to give up the lawyer part of herself. Sure, she can still practice, but who would want a known shifter to help them in the court of law? Another thing that I like about her is that she is pretty good at making people believe what she is saying. Well, except for a lie detector dog. The one thing that I dislike about her is that she won't tell Peter since I think that he wouldn't care if she is a cursed shifter, and he is going to find out anyway.

The Mystery

The mystery is the fun part of this entire book. A fashion designer dies at her show via a heart attack on the catwalk while a sweatshop owner dies from her spider familiar's venom. Is it possible these two victims are connected, or is that just wishful thinking? Jolene is on the case thanks to Peter asking her to talk to the giant spider before it dies.

My questions for the next book are: Will anything change between Jolene and Peter? Or will Jolene be in trouble with the shifter's underground mob boss?
Five Stars for Friday Night Bites by Erin Johnson

Ms. Johnson does it again! I just couldn't put down this book even if my life depended on it. Jolene is a fantastic character, and I love that we are experiencing a different part of Bijou Mer. The shady part where the island's shifters and misfits live together. 

Other Books in the Series

Thank you for dropping by! I hope you enjoyed this review of Friday Night Bites by Erin Johnson. 

Until the next time,

Happy Reading!

This review was originally posted on Baroness' Book Trove

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  • 2 January, 2020: Reviewed