Reviewed by Ing Cruz on

4 of 5 stars

My Synopsis:

Laney Parks has been having a horrible week. She was suppose to be on a romantic cruise with her boyfriend of three years but the week before they are suppose to sail out she catches him with another woman. The affair has been going on for a year now and Laney feels devastated and hurt. She spent the last days crying her eyes out and avoiding calls from her friend Danny, her ex Rob and her nightmare of a boss Mary-Knight Tyler. Laney finds herself on her way to the cruise still after some consoling and convincing from her friend Danny. Ten days away from everything should allow Laney some time to regroup and think about her eventual confrontation with Rob. What Laney never expected was to run into the CEO of the company she works for Nicolas Sinclair. She never expected to find herself sharing his cabin and pretending to be his wife for the next ten days. The last thing she expects even more is to find herself attracted and falling in love.

Nicolas Sinclair is trying to land a big client that will bring a lot of money to his company. He's been trying to win the client's business and finds himself telling a lie that has taken on a life of its own. Seeing what a family oriented man the client is Nicolas tells the client that he is married and will be going on a cruise to celebrate his year anniversary with his wife. He never expected the client to be going on a cruise and invited him and his wife along. Now Nicolas is stranded right before he's about to board the cruise and his pretend wife that he had picked has left him. He unexpectedly runs into Laney and proposes a deal with her. Nick never expected to find his pretend wife so attractive. He never expected to get jealous when other men stare at her. He doesn't expect this total obsession with all things Laney. Will he be able to let her go after their ten days?

My Thoughts:

This book simply sizzled. It was a fun and fast read. Tiffany is an author that I am interested in checking out what else she'll have in store for us in the future.

Laney is going through some rough times when she runs into her CEO hottie of a boss. I liked her character. She was vulnerable, sweet, hard worker, selfless and classy. Tiffany does a pretty good job of making me believe that her emotional bond to Nick was possible in ten days. Laney jumps into this scheme and she acknowledges that this is a crazy plan and has reservations about deceiving the clients. She ends up getting along very well with them but sticks to the script even when Nick is a complete ass to her. I liked that when Nick was an ass she gave it right back to him and told him off. She did melt in a puddle every time he came near her but I can't blame the girl.

Nicolas (Nick) is smoking hot. The man is beautiful. Tiffany's description about Nick's features literally had me salivating for the man too. Nick is a playboy, arrogant, dominate, rich, career driven, jerky at times and does have his sweet moments. I admit to loving jerky heroes so Nick fit the bill to a T. Nick is constantly putting his foot in his mouth when it came to Laney. I loved watching his character get frustrated with his obsession and emotions for Laney. It drives him to have many he-man moments that made me cringe or made me melt in a puddle right along with Laney.

These two simply scorched the pages of the book. Every encounter between them was underlined with sexual tension that oozed off the pages. When they finally do come together it's hot as hell! These two feels some strong emotions for one another physically and with all the things happening around them their interaction outside of the bedroom is full of misunderstandings. They jump to some conclusions about one another since their still feeling their way around with each other. During these moments I did want to slap the both of them and just tell them to sit their butts down and talk to one another. LOL! The other characters in the book fit nicely into the story. I liked watching Nick and his competitor Cooper compete for the big client. Cooper is a character that I'd love to see get his own book. He's just like Nick.

Overall this was an enjoyable read. As you can see Laney and Nick are not of the same race from the cover (BTW love that cover! Gorgeous!) but this is not a big factor in the book. It is acknowledged but the romance and conflict is not base around this factor one bit. That is refreshing. I would recommend this book if you like your books full of hot and intense smexing, characters are full of emotional conflict, a bit of deception, ex's running around, a bit of a jerky hero and a sweet heroine.

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  • 7 April, 2011: Finished reading
  • 7 April, 2011: Reviewed