What Are You Hungry For? by Dr Deepak Chopra

What Are You Hungry For?

by Dr Deepak Chopra

What do you crave?

For many of us, sugary treats, fatty meals and high-calorie snacks are impossible to resist. And yet, reaching the bottom of the biscuit tin rarely leaves us feeling satisfied. What if we are actually hungry for something much more fulfilling?

In this groundbreaking new book, bestselling author and endocrinologist Deepak Chopra unites the latest scientific and alternative therapy research to reveal how our overeating is often a symptom of `inner starvation’ – a hunger for love, self-esteem, happiness and security. By changing our approach to eating using the tools in this book, we...Read more

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

3 of 5 stars

Mixed messages Now I'm not the biggest fan of Depak Chopra and I honestly think he simplifies things a bit too much. He mentions Ayurveda and from what I have read he's considered a bit of an expert in Ayurveda and he only mentions one type of diet from that culture, while, from a lot of the reading I've done, your Dosha affects your diet and what spices work for you etc. He seems to be saying that because all of this works for him and a few people like him that these are universally applicable themes.
I have to say that I found it too simple, there are a few good ideas in it and it would be good if you're starting out.  It talks about the psychological reasons you're eating but not why you might be craving certain foods (which is what I thought it was)

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  • 22 August, 2017: Finished reading
  • 22 August, 2017: Reviewed