Reviewed by stressedrach on

5 of 5 stars

I am usually not one for historical reads but I was glad that I was asked to review The Sprit Guide. I love reading novels about ghosts and this is why I decided to read it.

Seren is a great character, she sees ghosts and talks to them although this may be good for her it makes the town she lives in think she is a bit of freak and so she chooses to hid her ability.

After marrying Rolf, something she really didn’t want to do her marriage is bad Seren meets George who is a spirit guide, he is not a living person but Seren can touch him. She falls for him, but would it even work? Added to everything Seren is already going through her father in law is a sorcerer dabbling into dark magic. This is an intense novel and I feel so much for Seren, living in the twelfth century and being able to see spirits, they would either lock you up in an asylum or deem you a witch and you all know what happened to witches.

I have not read anything from Elizabeth Davies before but I am now a huge fan of hers, her writing style, plot, fast pacing it was all there and never a dull moment. I really enjoyed reading this and will definitely look out for more from Ms Davies.

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  • Started reading
  • 15 October, 2014: Finished reading
  • 15 October, 2014: Reviewed