Reviewed by Lindsey Gray on

5 of 5 stars

The Prologue literally thrusts you into the illicit affair between Delilah “Lila” Palmer and Nathan Thorne. To say I was panting by Chapter One is not an understatement. This is defiantly one of those novels that are for mature audiences only and not suitable for reading at work.

The title, “Breach”, gives you the feeling of why Nathan and Lila’s relationship is forbidden. It is not in the way you might think. At first thought, I was expecting a boss/secretary scenario. I was happily surprised to find Lila and Nathan as equals, sharing an office while working as Contract Lawyers. The fact that they were on the same level was a wonderful treat for me. The reason for their clandestine relationship to be shunned was their law firm’s strict “no fraternization” policy. That policy causes Lila and Nathan to keep their very naughty times to themselves.

Since the story is told from Lila’s point of view, I believe we got an extremely accurate portrait of the beautiful, scarred woman. Yes, we are all flawed in some way, but not reminded of it every second of our childhood. Poor Lila was. I did feel sorry for her, though I’m sure the strong-willed woman Lila has become would want pity from no one. I admire the strength Lila has acquired to do her job, yet her self-image is severely damaged.

That leads us to Nathan. All of us have scars of some kind. For Nathan there are just as many on the inside as there are on the outside. I love that he can overlook all the other attractive females in the office that Lila dubs “The Boob Squad”. Lila might not understand Nathan’s motivation for breaching their firm’s cardinal rule, but she can’t stop herself from wanting him.

This novel is listed as Erotica for a reason. The sex scenes are deliciously dirty and there are plenty of them. There should be a warning on the cover: Reading this book may cause rapid heart rate and soaked underwear. Continue with caution.

Overall, the story was a smooth read as I read it in less than a day. The sex is usually the main focus of Erotica novels, but I love that Lynn gave her characters such interesting back-stories as well as the “Wham-Bam-Thank-You-Ma’am”. The end of the story left me desperately wanting more. Thank God Lynn included the first chapter for the next installment in the trilogy, “Infraction”.

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  • 30 April, 2013: Finished reading
  • 30 April, 2013: Reviewed