The Abandoned by Amanda Stevens

The Abandoned (The Graveyard Queen, #4)

by Amanda Stevens

There are rules for dealing with ghosts.

Too bad Ree Hutchins doesn't know them. When her favorite patient at a private mental hospital passes away, psychology student Ree Hutchins mourns the elderly woman's death. But more unsettling is her growing suspicion that something unnatural is shadowing her. Amateur ghost hunter Hayden Priest believes Ree is being haunted.

Even Amelia Gray, known in Charleston as The Graveyard Queen, senses a gathering darkness. Driven by a force she doesn't understand, Ree is compelled to uncover an old secret and put abandoned souls to rest—before she is locked away forever….

Reviewed by chymerra on

4 of 5 stars

I liked this book. It was spooky, without being over the top scary, and the romance was well written. I just wish that the author had gotten more into the background of the mental hospital and the order (can't remember what it is called right off the bat).
The villain was very obvious from the scene when Ree eavesdropped on a conversation. Its just the ending that really surprised me.
I gave this book at 4 star review on Shelfari. While it was spooky, I do wish that the author had left the identity of the villain secret. I also wish that she had gotten into the background of Miss Viola and her mother a little more.
Will I refer this book to friends. Absolutely.

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  • 30 May, 2011: Finished reading
  • 30 May, 2011: Reviewed