Reviewed by Eve1972 on

5 of 5 stars


Wowza I am LOVING this series so far. This one was just as good as book one and now I might hunt down this author "MISERY" style and force her to give me book three right away (lol). Book two starts right where we left off in the previous book. Serena has escaped but is now stranded in the middle of the North Sea. Help finds her in the form of the mysterious Ulvic and she is taken to his island where together with his werewolves they hatch a plan to save Varick and Jameson. Alas, things don't work out too well and everyone finds themselves on a different island competing in a new and even more twisted and deadly version of the V Games. On the Isle of Lidelse we meet some new players and reconnect with some old ones. Games are played. Alliances are struck. Enemies become friends. Is it enough to bring the Helsings down? Well, I guess you must read for yourself and find out!

So deets...I found this one to be just as fantastically well written as book one. The pace was excellent. The plot was engaging and kept me turning the pages. We also get quite a few different POVs this time around. Sometimes this can be distracting, but it worked very well in this case. The focus of this one shifts a bit from Varick to Jameson, Ulvic, and the wolves. I didn't mind this because Jameson is such a likable character. He is the lighthearted comic to Varick's brooding vampire. We also meet some new characters that keep adding new layers to this ever developing paranormal world. Again, as this is YA the romance is pretty tame. Some kisses and that is about it but love seems to be in the air for some other characters (or maybe that is just the romance reader in me hoping for a couple other pair ups). I will admit that I was frustrated at times because I was tiring of the Helsings always having the upper hand. But the author threw me a bone at the end thankfully. Last, we again end this one on a cliffhanger and what a cliffy it was. So yea, loved this one and can't wait for book three. Two HUGE thumbs up from yours truly.  

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  • 8 December, 2017: Finished reading
  • 8 December, 2017: Reviewed