City of Blades by Robert Jackson Bennett

City of Blades (Divine Cities, #2)

by Robert Jackson Bennett

A triumphant return to the world of City of Stairs.
A generation ago, the city of Voortyashtan was the stronghold of the god of war and death, the birthplace of fearsome supernatural sentinels who killed and subjugated millions.
Now, the city’s god is dead. The city itself lies in ruins. And to its new military occupiers, the once-powerful capital is a wasteland of sectarian violence and bloody uprisings.
So it makes perfect sense that General Turyin Mulaghesh— foul-mouthed hero of the battle of Bulikov, rumored war criminal, ally of an embattled Prime Minister—has been exiled...Read more

Reviewed by Charli G. on

4 of 5 stars

City of Blades started out as a book I didn't think I'd be able to get into. At first it just didn't seem to be that interesting. I'm glad I stuck it out because if I hadn't, I'd have missed one of the best books I've read in the last year!

The second book in a series that began with City of Stairs, City of Blades can easily stand on its own. I had no issues with understanding what was going on. There is enough of the backstory to allow the reader to know what is going on and what happened in the past to make the story clear.

This book is kind of like a fantasy version of a mystery thriller. There is a bit of a whodunit in City of Blades as well as a fair bit of action. The world woven here is much like our own world but not quite. Many of our own conveniences exist here - electricity, weaponry, etc. - but the world is most definitely not the world as we know it. In this world, Divinities existed but were able to be destroyed, along with their miracles, an interesting concept.

I love Mulaghesh. Her character is what I feel is the consummate solider. She serves and she feels that those who do not serve are unworthy of the title of soldier. I'm also quite fond of Sigrund. I can't really say why, I just like him a lot.

This book is great for anyone looking for a new breed of fantasy book to get into.

**I received a copy of this book for free from First to Read in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are 100% my own.

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  • Started reading
  • 14 January, 2016: Finished reading
  • 14 January, 2016: Reviewed