Reviewed by Angie on

4 of 5 stars

It's no wonder Vicki Lewis Thompson is one of my favorite authors! Over Hexed is another wildly fun and sexy romance! Set in the small town of Big Knob (LoL), Sean Madigan has no problem getting women. In fact, after years of having the local women literally throwing themselves at him, he's sick of it. He's never had a real relationship, and he's ready to find the one. Lucky for him there's some new arrivals in his sleepy little town. First there's the new couple, Dorcas and Ambrose, who no one knows are really witches. Everyone just thinks they're eccentric. Soon they're followed by Maggie, a location scout for a superstore chain, who's there to buy up the property which Sean has had his eye on; his childhood home! After dinner with the odd couple, Sean is no longer Mr. Sex Appeal as he wished, but now he's having trouble charming the pants off of Maggie to get her to drop her bid! What's a guy to do?

I loved Dorcas and Ambrose, and not just because they added some magic to the story. This couple really is hilarious. They may be middle-aged but they have no shame in dropping hints about their adventurous sex life, much to Sean's embarrassment. Small town life isn't really for them, but they're stuck there until they can get the local dragon, George, to behave himself. While a giant reptile with ADD sounds like a fun time, I felt this little side-plot was unnecessary. We don't meet George until the very end and only for a brief moment. I could have done without it, but it didn't distract from the rest of the story in Over Hexed.

Even though Sean resented his Adonis-good looks for keeping him from having a real relationship, he does admit that he uses it to his benefit once it's gone. Maggie is all business and his first attempts to woo her don't go so well, since he's stuck with crazy hair and ugly glasses (not exactly hideous material, but it's Chick Lit!). However, once things get going, woah. I hadn't even realized that they had only known each other for a few hours, because I was totally invested in the story. Their sexual chemistry is through the roof and they get it on all over the place! Turns out that you don't need to look like a god to be good in bed...and at the table...and in the woods...and...

Anyway, Over Hexed is just a good time! I flew through it, and while I hate Chick Lit endings, I couldn't help but keep smiling. It's not the most original plot and yes, it was extremely predictable, but I enjoyed it. A lot. And that's what really matters.

Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.

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  • 12 June, 2013: Finished reading
  • 12 June, 2013: Reviewed