Reviewed by Lynn on

4 of 5 stars

Now and again I like to pick-up books that I wouldn't ordinarily read by authors I haven't come across before. Raven by Ashley Suzanne is such an example. Whilst YA books are not new to me, MME is, so I began reading this with the hope I'd get a “feel” for the sport.

Everyone who matters to Rian ends up leaving, so her coping mechanism is to believe she is meant to be alone. For someone as young as she is, life has been tough after being exposed to way too many life issues; each with far reaching consequences.

Garrett always looked out for his friend when they were youngsters, but his Father's new military posting meant a move away. Miraculously, some years later, Rian ends up at the same school as him, after moving in with her aunt. Now in high school their friendship turns into something more meaningful. After graduating, Garrett follows his Father's footsteps and heads off to military training leaving Rian behind. Only he hasn't done a very good job of explaining his motivations. Rian feels abandoned by his departure and does the only thing she can think of and drops out of school and runs away from her old life. To be alone.

There are very clear and defined character developments between the protagonists. Their friendship begins in school and continues on and off as fate pulls them apart only to re-unite them, not once but twice. With each reunion, their bond becomes stronger. There is no sugar-coating the relationship between Garrett and is raw, unconditional and palpable.

The emphasis on MME was a lot less than I expected however, the plot and writing more than compensated for that. Ashley Suzanne has beautifully written a story full of hope and love, with protagonists who show such strength of character and maturity even at the darkest time. I'll definitely be seeking out the remaining books in this Fight or Flight series.

4 Stars

***arc generously received courtesy of publisher Loveswept via NetGalley***

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  • Started reading
  • 23 August, 2015: Finished reading
  • 23 August, 2015: Reviewed