Fairy Realm #7: The Star Cloak by Emily Rodda

Fairy Realm #7: The Star Cloak (Fairy Realm, #7) (Fairy Charm S.)

by Emily Rodda

When Giff the elf comes asking for Jessie's help, she returns to the Realm on a quest to have the fairies mend the Star Cloak in time for Wish Night.

Reviewed by funstm on

5 of 5 stars

The Fairy Realm series are wholesome lighthearted reads featuring a secret fairy realm found through a doorway at the edge of the garden. There's magic and mythical creatures and miniature horses that talk (because what else would you find in a secret fairy realm? duh.) It's reminiscent of Shirley Barber's gorgeous picture books albeit with less impressive artwork (Shirley Barber is incredibly talented). It's a good series for tween girls. I loved this series as a kid, they were imaginative and magical and I loved every minute. I'm pretty sure this series is what started my love of charm bracelets too. 

The Star Cloak
Jessie is back! And this time she's busy trying to save the Realm's Wish Night. Ok it's really hard not to wish this series into reality because Wish Night?! How cool is that?

Wish Night is a yearly event in the Realm where all the stars fall (or at least come closer?) allowing many wishes to be made and come true. It's all made possible by the Star Cloak - a cloak made of stardust and moonbeams that makes the stars fall. Unfortunately Giff the Elf has found himself in a pickle when his curiosity gets the better of him and he accidentally rips the Star Cloak. Wish Night will have to be cancelled unless Jessie can help him save the day.

Jessie agrees to travel with him to Stardust Mountain to ask the Star Fairies if they could repair the Star Cloak but as per usual, things go awry. Not all Giff's fault either. The Star Fairies put Jessie to sleep without considering her susceptibility to their magic and when she wakes up to return the Cloak, she's so out of it she manages to wish herself home rather than to the Palace. Then she manages to hide the Cloak from her mum but accidentally manages to donate it to her school sale. While trying to get it back she has a run in with her new teacher, Ms Stone who has no imagination and no tolerance for one. But things work out in the end and Wish Night goes off without a hitch. I was disappointed Maybelle and Patrice don't have more of a role but I enjoyed getting to know more about the Star Fairies on Stardust Mountain.

I also would've liked to see more of Granny - she's totally awesome. I also liked that she met the author that was judging the writing competition and that meeting her with the Star Cloak present is what caused her to have extra energy to read all the extra entries and led to Jessie winning the competition much to the dismay of Ms Stone. After all her story features a unicorn and Ms Stone hates imaginative fiction. The end of this visit sees Jessie get a tiny gold star charm for her bracelet. 5 stars.

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  • 5 February, 2021: Finished reading
  • 5 February, 2021: Reviewed