Death, Taxes, and Peach Sangria by Diane Kelly

Death, Taxes, and Peach Sangria (Tara Holloway, #4)

by Diane Kelly

When it comes to exposing tax fraud, Tara and her partner Eddie are really cleaning up. From their brilliant takedown of the disappearing "Tax Wizard" to their perfectly planned downfall of the "Deduction Diva," they've earned the respect of their peers at Criminal Investigations. Now Tara's ready to celebrate with an ice-cold pitcher of peach sangria - even if her next case is totally the pits.

Reviewed by MurderByDeath on

4 of 5 stars

This series is just so much fun. While Peach Sangria is a mystery, it's not your typical murder mystery. Tara is after terrorists by going after their source of money. It's a slow story to develop and there's a lot more character development going on, bulking up the book. But I like the character development so I don't mind at all that the "plot" isn't front and center and taking up Tara's every move.

In the land of character development, Ms. Kelly gave us a love triangle a few books ago, and it's resolved in this book. She also does something I don't think any author to date has done: gotten me to switch loyalties from one man to the other. Usually once a love interest is introduced, and it's a good one, I get really snippy about author's messing with the status quo. But Ms. Kelly has done a very good job of changing my loyalties and handling the love triangle resolution with grace.

Luckily the next book comes out in October and I'm looking forward to it!

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  • 1 March, 2013: Finished reading
  • 1 March, 2013: Reviewed