Where Nerves End by L a Witt

Where Nerves End (Tucker Springs, #1)

by L a Witt

Welcome to Tucker Springs, Colorado, where you’ll enjoy beautiful mountain views and the opportunity to study at one of two prestigious universities—if you can afford to live there.

Jason Davis is in pain. Still smarting from a bad breakup, he struggles to pay both halves of an overwhelming mortgage and balance the books at his floundering business. As if the emotional and financial pain weren’t enough, the agony of a years-old shoulder injury keeps him up at night. When he faces a choice between medication and insomnia, he takes a friend’s advice and gives acupuncture a try.

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Reviewed by CrowNoYami on

4 of 5 stars

I wish I could give this book 4.5 stars ad the ONLY reason why this isn't a full 5 is due to the smut. You can not simply put on some lube and shove it in, anal sex doesn't work like that without a lot of pain to both parties.

I enjoyed both the romance and the angst of this novel and look forward to the next installment in the series. The characters were well thought-out and the story line was captivating.

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  • Started reading
  • 20 June, 2019: Finished reading
  • 20 June, 2019: Reviewed