The Dream Thieves by Maggie Stiefvater

The Dream Thieves (The Raven Cycle, #2)

by Maggie Stiefvater


The second thrilling book in Maggie Stiefvater's The
Raven Cycle quartet.
Now that the ley lines around Cabeswater have been woken, nothing
for Blue and Gansey will be the same. Ronan is falling more and
more deeply into his dreams ... and his dreams are intruding more
and more into waking life.

Gansey is needed at home, and is struggling to stay in Aglionby.
And Adam? He's made some new friends. Friends that are looking
for some of the same pieces of the puzzle that Gansey, Blue, and
Ronan are after.

Great power is at stake, and someone must be willing to wield

Absolutely addictive writing for teen girls … and grown-up
girls… Magic, mystery and adventure at every turn

From the bestselling author of Shiver, Linger
and Forever which all debuted at #1 on the UK book bestseller

Film rights to The Raven Cycle have been acquired 


Reviewed by ladygrey on

4 of 5 stars

I'm pretty sure this will be a 5 star book. It almost was after just the first read but then she... and I'm kind of devastated so I can't quite, yet.

But this book is amazing in the way some authors manage to articulate the world or life in a way you've always known but never tried to put words to before. It's brilliant in completely unexpected ways.

And I love that it offers deeper points of view on characters that were intriguing in the first book. I love Ronan and that he doesn't lie and getting to know him was awesome. And I love Gansey and that his whole family is so decent and kind of spectacular.

I loved the mystery and the revelations and that I really liked the bad guy. Well, one of them. I like the magic and the mythology of the story and that it isn't always quite what you expect.

I like that [a:Maggie Stiefvater|1330292|Maggie Stiefvater|]'s writing is both simple and complex at the same time. That there's this aching beauty to the way she described the world. That she uses Latin. That her discordant descriptions are somehow unimaginably perfect.

I despise that there are four books in this cycle because I want to get to the end right now and I'm also really glad because I want to live in this world as long as possible.

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  • Started reading
  • 15 December, 2013: Finished reading
  • 15 December, 2013: Reviewed