Reviewed by thebookdisciple on

5 of 5 stars

This book was just amazing. Its heartbreaking, heartwarming, and engaging. The story is told with lots of flashbacks and a few 'skips' forward which only gives the readers glimpses as events unfold. Hannah is dealing with a serious case of survivor's guilt and she is sort of destroying her life. Her brother Brodie comes home to help her and so does Atticus. The history of Hannah and Atticus is given to us in bits and pieces as the story unfolds. I wanted to hate Atticus for what he did to Hannah, but, like Hannah, you can't hate Atticus. And, like Hannah, you feel guilty for liking Atticus because Paul is perfect. This book brings forth so many emotions in the reader and its so well written. If you want a great example of what the new adult genre should be, read this. If you want a great example of what contemporary romance should be, read this. If you want a great example of what a great book should be, read this. my full review here:

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  • Started reading
  • 31 May, 2015: Finished reading
  • 31 May, 2015: Reviewed